
Werde informiert ...

- as soon as a printer is offline Ping Check
- if an access point, router, switch, etc. is offline Ping Check
- if a NAS is no longer online Ping Check
- as soon as your internet connection is lost Ping Check
- if a certain network connection is lost Ping Check


- if your application launches a windows event when backup was not successful Event Check
- if your application launches a windows event during a night job Event Check


- if services from your web-hosting provider went down Web Check
- if a certain website content has been changed Web Check


- if free storage on your ESX datastore gets below a certain limit WMWare Check
- if free storage on any physical partition gets below a certain limit (in GB or %) Storage Check


- if your nightly backup logfile contains a certain string Text Check


- if the apache windows service changes status Service Check


- if a file is uploaded to the FTP server FTP Check
- a file disappears from the FTP server  FTP Check


- if there are files that exceed a certain size File Search
- if there are files with a particular attribute  File Search


- if a windows process is no longer running Process Check


- if records with a particular characteristic exist in the database SQL Check
- if users enter incorrect information that can not be checked by the application SQL Check
- if more than one record in the database with certain criteria occurs SQL Check


- if filtered article numbers from the Oracle database don't match the item numbers from the MySql database (interface) Multi SQL Check
- If a customer number from the MSSQL database is not found in the SQLite database (interface) Multi SQL Check
- as soon as a customer's address from the MySQL database in the Oracle database appears Multi SQL Check